Small cards in English
for Security-NGO-in a box


Small cards in English
for Security-NGO-in a box


20 different designs for small cards


0 Security in-a-box is now on github
keep your private bits private
1. Do you really accept those terms and conditions?
2. Is that your password on a post-it?
3. How do you know we cant read your private emails?
4. Leaving a net-cafre and your browsing history behind?
5. Is that your password on a post-it?
6. Leaving a net-cafe and your browsing history behind?
7. Your mobile phone not password protected?
8. Digital security is possible
9. Your SMS messages are as private as billboards on the highway.
10. Which is worse to leave in a taxi, your unlocked smartphone or your purse?
11. Which is safer, Gmail or Yahoo?
12. Can you keep a secret? Not when you share your password.
13. Want a poster on every bus - stop with your private info?
14. Your mobile phone is their tracking device.
15. Same password for everything?
16. How well does the Internet keep your information private?
17. If your password is "password", your private bits are public
18. Do you Facebook?
19. Keep your private bits private
20. Want a poster on every bus-stop with your private info?







“Small cards in English
for Security-NGO-in a box,” Tactical Tech's Archive, accessed March 4, 2025,