Browse Items (258 total)

The Info-Activism Camp - February 19th - 25th 2009 India

“Tactical Tech’s ethos is that nobody knows everything, and everybody knows something. It’s a beautiful philosophy, but it plays out pragmatically, as well. How else do you get so many…




Avez-vous tape votre nom dans Google recemment?

Pas de mot, de passe pour proteger votre telephoner portable?

Vous etes sur Facebook?

Entre Gmail et Yahoo, lequel est le plus sur?

Que preferez-vous oublier dans un taxi: votre…

0 Security in-a-box is now on github
keep your private bits private
1. Do you really accept those terms and conditions?
2. Is that your password on a post-it?
3. How do you know we cant read your private emails?
4. Leaving a net-cafre and your…

The White Room was a live installation in the exhibition Nervous Systems at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), curated by Stephanie Hankey and Marek Tuszynski of Tactical Tech and Anselm Franke of HKW. Open from 11 March to May 9 2016, The White…
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