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"Something to hide"
"Big Mama"
"Normal is Boring"
"Welcome to someday" with a bird head up
"Welcome to someday" with a bird head down
"The White Room"

Digital survival book - Tactical Tech.pdf

What’s in the box?

The AV edition contains a number of guides, tutorials and FOSS tools that will enable you to capture, edit and stream audio and video
podcast and distribute your work online
create DVDs and VCDs
utilise these…

Tactical Tech analizó cómo diferentes tipos de técnicas visuales sirven para la incidencia y desarrollaron tres maneras de clasificar cómo funciona lo visual en las campañas:

1.- Entender la idea es hacer productos simples y llamativos que…

A good campaign is like a good joke. A jokes effectiveness relies on the use of the right words, good timing, convincing delivery and a strong punch-line delivered to the right person in the right way. When visualising information for advocacy these…


6 different stickers

Everyday tools for NGOs

The edition can be accessed online but its primary form is as a physical box set of CDs, providing immediate access to all the software tools without the need to download them. The physical box will become available by…

Visualising Information for Advocacy is a book about how advocates and activists use visual elements in their campaigns. In this 170-page book we explore how to influence issues using the right combination of information, design, technologies and…
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