Browse Items (258 total)

Article in a Journal of Human Rights Practice

A good campaign is like a good joke. A jokes effectiveness relies on the use of the right words, good timing, convincing delivery and a strong punch-line delivered to the right person in the right way. When visualising information for advocacy these…

Holistic Security is a strategy manual to help human rights defenders maintain their well-being in action. The holistic approach integrates self-care, well-being, digital security, and information security into traditional security management…

Tactical Tech analizó cómo diferentes tipos de técnicas visuales sirven para la incidencia y desarrollaron tres maneras de clasificar cómo funciona lo visual en las campañas:

1.- Entender la idea es hacer productos simples y llamativos que…

What’s in the box?

The AV edition contains a number of guides, tutorials and FOSS tools that will enable you to capture, edit and stream audio and video
podcast and distribute your work online
create DVDs and VCDs
utilise these…

Digital survival book - Tactical Tech.pdf

'This essay is a kind of call to action to experts from different disciplines, and to techies and non-techies alike, to find different ways of thinking about data-driven technologies and how they change the way we live. It is a call to approach them…
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