Browse Items (258 total)

Everything Will Be Fine, an outdoor exhibition by Tactical Tech

Everything Will Be Fine, an outdoor exhibition by Tactical Tech, co-produced by HAU Hebbel am Ufer

Deutsches Technikmuseum: Tempelhofer Ufer / corner to Trebbiner Straße


The risks for advocates and independent journalists working on sensitive issues are not as simple to navigate as they once were. In the past, when using a telephone, individuals knew the risks they were taking and worked around them accordingly.…

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 15-06-26 Gender and Tech Resources.png
Every day, women face the consequences of online harassment and hate speech as a result of their gender identity and their environment. In this context, Tactical Tech’s Gender and Tech project has spent the last four years working toward giving…

The Evidence & Action programme helps rights advocates use information strategically and creatively in their campaigning. We aim to inspire innovative campaigns and provide practical support for collecting, investigating and curating evidence for…
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