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This guide from the Tactical Technology Collective provides original and artful ways for rights advocates to capture attention and communicate a cause. 10 tactics provides tools tips and advice for you to work through as you plan your own…

Series of 4 booklets in different colors

Series of 4 booklets in different colors
1 copy of each in the archive

Bookmark with the text
"Who do you think knows more about you?
Google, Facebook, Whatsapp or your family?"

A wood box containing tools and tactics for advocacy

Visualising Information for Advocacy is a book about how advocates and activists use visual elements in their campaigns. In this 170-page book we explore how to influence issues using the right combination of information, design, technologies and…

Commissioned and published by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and written by Tactical Tech co-founders Stephanie Hankey and Marek Tuszynski, this essay explores the concept of 'technofixes' - using digital technologies and data to solve the world’s…

'This essay is a kind of call to action to experts from different disciplines, and to techies and non-techies alike, to find different ways of thinking about data-driven technologies and how they change the way we live. It is a call to approach them…

Article in a Journal of Human Rights Practice
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