Browse Items (258 total)

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 15-56-28 What The Future Wants.png
Young people grow up in an environment that is increasingly driven by and dependent upon digital technologies. Their social, learning and play spaces are being encroached upon by ubiquitous technologies so that the divide between public and private,…

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 15-54-36 Stephanie Hankey - D4S - digitalization for sustainability.png
Biography (as at 2022)

Stephanie Hankey is a designer, technologist and social entrepreneur with 20 years experience exploring the social and political impact of technology on society. Currently she is a Loeb Fellow at the Harvard Graduate School…

Poster of a collaboration

He knows your passwords, you are lucky he is on your side.

Ono is a new a member of Tactical Tech's “Securing Advocacy” team. He is a friend of information users on a mission to explain how digital technology and communication might be…

A postcard-sized folder with different leaflets

Poster for the Glass Room exposition


Screenshot from 2024-02-16 15-43-29.png

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