Browse Items (258 total)

The Open Publishing Edition is a selection of software tools and guides for on and offline publishing, open content licensing and participatory media making. The edition aims to assist organisations and individuals to harness publishing tools in…

Everyday tools for NGOs

The edition can be accessed online but its primary form is as a physical box set of CDs, providing immediate access to all the software tools without the need to download them. The physical box will become available by…


Visualising Information for Advocacy is a book about how advocates and activists use visual elements in their campaigns. In this 170-page book we explore how to influence issues using the right combination of information, design, technologies and…


Whether we’re swamped by it or starved of it, the value of information depends on its quality, and its usefulness depends on our ability to communicate it successfully. As activists, we can't sit and wait for people to wade through 60-page reports.…

Message in-a-box provides everything you need to make and distribute your own media. This website covers A Strategy for Making Media, Print, Images, Audio, Internet, Video, and Mobiles. Each section includes information, references, links and…

3 copies in the physical archive

The Data and Politics team at Tactical Tech has spent twelve months investigating these technologies: who is selling them, what they promise and how exactly they extract value from personal data. The team has attended events, interviewed…
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