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The Data and Politics team at Tactical Tech has spent twelve months investigating these technologies: who is selling them, what they promise and how exactly they extract value from personal data. The team has attended events, interviewed…

Poster for the Glass Room exposition

Our currency is Information is the first episode of the documentary film series Exposing the Invisible by Tactical Tech. In this episode you will learn about methods for investigating corruption and organised crime. You will meet Paul Radu from the…

The Open Publishing Edition is a selection of software tools and guides for on and offline publishing, open content licensing and participatory media making. The edition aims to assist organisations and individuals to harness publishing tools in…

He knows your passwords, you are lucky he is on your side.

Ono is a new a member of Tactical Tech's “Securing Advocacy” team. He is a friend of information users on a mission to explain how digital technology and communication might be…


2 different type of postcards for ONO
day and night postcards
3 day postcards in the physical archive
only 1 night postcard in the physical archive
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2