SDA - Survival in the Digital Age


SDA - Survival in the Digital Age

Collection Items

Survival in the digital age <br /><br />
Cd &amp; stickers &amp; postcards &amp; postcard
Look inside for ONO s animated films, stickers and more

ONO - the mask
Mask featuring ONO

ONO - the postcard
2 different type of postcards for ONO
day and night postcards
3 day postcards in the physical archive
only 1 night postcard in the physical archive

ONO poster - The Incredible Info Bot
He knows your passwords, you are lucky he is on your side.

Ono is a new a member of Tactical Tech's “Securing Advocacy” team. He is a friend of information users on a mission to explain how digital technology and communication might be…

The risks for advocates and independent journalists working on sensitive issues are not as simple to navigate as they once were. In the past, when using a telephone, individuals knew the risks they were taking and worked around them accordingly.…
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