Browse Collections (29 total)

10T - 1OTactics


PR - Privacy & Rights

HR & TE - Human Rights & Technology Education

HS - Holistic Security

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 16-10-40 Holistic security.png


“Caring for myself is not an indulgence, it is self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare.” -- Audre Lorde


GT - Gender & Tech

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 15-06-26 Gender and Tech Resources.png

DDK I - Data Detox Kit Phase I

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 16-06-46 Data Detox Kit.png

TD - Technology & Design

TRC - Technology, Rights and Crisis

YT - Youth & Tech

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 15-56-28 What The Future Wants.png

GR - Glass Room
